回归 (Regression)
Assuming your data is in the form of numpy.ndarray stored in the variables X_train and y_train you can train a sknn.mlp.Regressor neural network. The input and output arrays are continuous values in this case, but it’s best if you normalize or standardize your inputs to the [0..1] or [-1..1] range. (See the sklearn Pipeline example below.)
This will train the regressor for 10 epochs (specified via the n_iter parameter). The layers parameter specifies how the neural network is structured; see the sknn.mlp.Layer documentation for supported layer types and parameters.
Then you can use the trained NN as follows:
分类 (Classification)
If your data in numpy.ndarray contains integer labels as outputs and you want to train a neural network to classify the data, use the following snippet:
It’s also a good idea to normalize or standardize your data in this case too, for example using a sklearn Pipeline below. The code here will train for 25 iterations. Note that a Softmax output layer activation type is used here, and it’s recommended as a default for classification problems.
If you want to do multi-label classification, simply fit using a y array of integers that has multiple dimensions, e.g. shape (N, 3) for three different classes. Then, make sure the last layer is Sigmoid instead.
卷积 (Convolution)
Working with images as inputs in 2D (as greyscale) or 3D (as RGB) images stored in numpy.ndarray, you can use convolution to train a neural network with shared weights. Here’s an example how classification would work:
The neural network here is trained with eight kernels of shared weights in a 3x3 matrix, each outputting to its own channel. The rest of the code remains the same, but see the sknn.mlp.Layer documentation for supported convolution layer types and parameters.
训练集权值预处理 (Per-Sample Weighting)
When training a classifier with data that has unbalanced labels, it’s useful to adjust the weight of the different training samples to prevent bias. This is achieved via a feature called masking. You can specify the weights of each training sample when calling the fit() function.
In this case, there are two classes 0 given weight 1.2, and 1 with weighting 0.8. This feature also works for regressors as well.
sklearn Pipeline
Typically, neural networks perform better when their inputs have been normalized or standardized. Using a scikit-learn’s pipeline support is an obvious choice to do this.
Here’s how to setup such a pipeline with a multi-layer perceptron as a classifier: