Chrome Canary

四种 Chrome 版本 (Chrome Channel)

  1. Stable channel: It gets full testing and is your best bet to avoid crashes and problems.
  2. Beta channel: It’s a showcase of what’s next for Chrome, with minimal risk involved.
  3. Dev channel: It gets update more frequently as compared to Beta releases. It’s still subject to bugs.
  4. Canary channel: Not for the faint hearted.

一般google是这样的: canary > dev > beta > stable . stable 就是大家普通人都在用的正式版chrome了。bug越来越少。少到可以投放市场。

为什么它叫 Canary (金丝雀)

Now if you’re wondering what inspired its name Canary, we have the answer.
By Canary, Google refers to an old technique of using canaries, small songbirds,
in the coal mines as a precaution.
If there was some lethal gas formation, the canaries were the first one to die.