
Binni Shah @binitamshah
[ Backdoor ] Backdooring Your Python Programs (THOTCON 0x8 Talk Slides + Src Code) : https://t.co/jFm48fpaVs (Slides) , Github : https://t.co/QmMhKGjfqc
“ 如何给 Python 代码植入后门, upper() 已不是那个 upper(): http://www.ikotler.org/InYourPythonPath.pdf , Github : https://github.com/SafeBreach-Labs/pyekaboo

Nikhil Mittal @nikhil_mitt
[ Others ] Slides for my talk “PowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming” at @x33fcon. Blog post soon. #PowerShell #PurpleTeam https://t.co/Zu7Pe6SjWu
“ Powershell 在红蓝两队中的应用: https://www.slideshare.net/nikhil_mittal/powershell-for-practical-purple-teaming

cobbr @cobbr_io
[ Others ] Slides from my “Obfuscating The Empire” presentation @BSidesAustin yesterday: https://t.co/nJQFgvcpiT
“ 混淆 PowerEmpire 以绕过 AMSI 查杀: https://www.slideshare.net/RyanCobb16/obfuscating-the-empire

David das Neves @david_das_neves
[ Conference ] Powershell Conference Europe 2017 Material #PSConfEU https://t.co/9ZWfNNA5ge
“ Powershell Conference Europe 2017 Material : https://github.com/psconfeu/2017

MWR Labs @mwrlabs
[ Others ] Remote COM scriptlets with no regsvr32 but more VBA https://t.co/Gqb3en3jss by @william_knows
“ 如何在 VBA 中与 DLL 交互,扩充宏的攻击能力: http://t.cn/RaTJonH

Mike_Mimoso @Mike_Mimoso
[ Industry News ] Dumps could include exploits, SWIFT data or nuclear/missile data stolen from US adversaries. https://t.co/vWsrVUwzWi via @threatpost
“ ShadowBrokers 组织昨天发了一篇文章,这篇文章介绍了他们 “拍卖方程式军火库” 的从商经历,鉴于 “业绩”不佳,他们决定从 6 月份开始开启全新的会员付费按月订阅模式。这次他们将放出浏览器、路由器、手机、支持 Windows 10 系统等新 Exploits:https://steemit.com/shadowbrokers/@theshadowbrokers/oh-lordy-comey-wanna-cry-edition